continues abortion may be risky for women health know its side effects

continues abortion may be risky for women health know its side effects

Abortion Side Effects: Pregnancy is a sensitive time for most women. But many times, due to various reasons, a situation of abortion also occurs which is painful for the mother and the entire family. Sometimes unwanted pregnancy occurs and sometimes abortion occurs due to genetic or lifestyle related reasons. . Abortion is done in two ways, in one case by taking medicines and in the other case by surgical instruments. Health experts say that repeated abortion (abortion side effects) has a very bad effect on the physical and mental health of women. Let us know today what kind of effect abortion has on the body and mental health of women.

Side effects of abortion
After abortion, women have to face the problem of bleeding for a long time. This bleeding continues for 15 to 25 days and its effect is that there is a lot of blood deficiency in the body. Sometimes the lack of blood becomes so much that the woman becomes a victim of anemia. Along with this, after abortion there are problems like stomach ache, cramps, torsion etc. Women continue to feel drowsiness along with dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Let us tell you that after abortion, the womb and fallopian tubes also get damaged. Due to repeated abortions, the lining of the uterus becomes so weak that it becomes difficult to conceive later. After abortion, the periods of most women become irregular. Some bleed more and some bleed less.

Uterine rupture may occur
If abortion is being done repeatedly, the fallopian tube also gets damaged, which may cause difficulty in conceiving in the future. After surgical abortion, the uterus sometimes gets damaged due to wounds and injuries. The risk of septic and sepsis infection increases. If abortion is happening again and again, then the risk of uterus rupture increases manifold. Sometimes women even die due to these risks.

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